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  • Writer's pictureSusan Rossini

I Know a Guy

Updated: May 17, 2020

The amazing fella who helps ensure accuracy in my books.

In two of the four novels I’ve penned, two of the hunky alpha males have construction backgrounds woven throughout their stories.

For the record: I know very little about construction. Even more so, my ability (or lack thereof) to tackle projects is met with frightened stares and head smacks by members of the family who call this noble profession their trade. Ron Burgundy best describes my attempts at DIY projects when he said, “That escalated quickly. I mean, that got out of hand fast!”

Several years back, I watched a YouTube video about how to patch a small—very small—hole in the wall. The video had me using a hacksaw to remove a significant portion of the existing wall to inlay a larger portion of Sheetrock to fill said hole. (Seemed like overkill, but you know, YouTube.) When I called my pops to request the tools necessary for the repair, his big, booming Italian voice demanded, “You need a hacksaw for what?!” Thirty minutes later, we were having coffee after he showed me a clever way to use a tiny piece of Sheetrock, paper, quick-drying mud and a hairdryer to make the wall look as good as new.

My Subject Matter Expert (SME) has operated his own construction business for 45 years and knows every tip and trick in the book and all of the others not in the book.

In Stranded at Christmas, Ryan Sullivan is a furniture maker. In one of my favorite scenes, he’s building a table made from pine beetle killed wood. Dad came to my rescue and offered so many details about the building process, I felt empowered to head to the high country and find my own pine beetle killed wood to construct a lacquer-covered table. (Cue frightened stares and head smacks.)

I’m humbled by my dad’s willingness help me accurately put pen to paper, in addition to the countless real projects of family and friends where he’s come to the rescue with his ingenuity, construction expertise, mad math skills and ability to problem solve like no other!

I recently read Blitzing Emily by Julie Brannaugh. In this wonderfully written romance, MC Emily Hamilton is an opera singer who shares her extraordinary skills throughout the book. I must admit, reading about her profession was just as enjoyable as her steamy romance with a sweet-and-sexy star football player. In the acknowledgements, Ms. Brannaugh offered her sincere thanks to the Seattle Opera PR team for answering endless questions about all-things-opera.

Lucky for me, I know a guy, a guy who not only helps me with real and fictitious construction projects, but is also the greatest dad a girl could ever have!

Take care and stay safe.




Married at Christmas—Book 3 of the Christmas with the Sullivan Brothers series—headed to amazing editor Bambi Sommers. Meanwhile, edits are underway for The Rookie, the first book of the Colorado Crush Hockey Series. Can’t wait for you to meet these amazing fellas!

I'd love for you to meet the other Sullivan brothers while you wait for Mateo's story in Married at Christmas. Please consider ordering books 1 and 2 of Christmas with the Sullivan Brothers (free on Kindle Unlimited).

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